Can't say I was a regular at Gennas in Gellatly Street, but I do remember popping along there from time to time on Thursday's, and reading again this 1984 advert above, now I realise why - it was half price night!
The place was on the same lines as Da Vinci's - bar downstairs, dancefloor upstairs.
Someone who chose to have their 21st at Gennas was Craig Methven. That's his original ticket from 1981.
Many of those who got a ticket were involved in the local music scene, so in attendance were the likes of Ricky Ross, one of the McGlone's, Mike Kane, Jock Ferguson, Drew Ramsay, various members of Street Level, Alien Culture, Megazones, The Grip, Scrotum Poles, The Hurricanes, and of course a few friends and family members.
Cranked Up fanzine gave the party a mention too, which is where the other items above are taken from. It reported that one of the local bands seen in the crowd was Gypsy Joe & The High Cheekers. Not being familiar with this act, I asked Craig who they were - and he doesn't know either! Celeb gatecrashers!!
Also in Cranked Up, it mentions a bit about gifts Craig received. My fave is the Popeye Bop Bag!
And what better way to end an evening of intermingling with the local alternative scene, than having the last record be "Atmosphere".
That would be the Joy Division one...not Russ Abbot's!
Big thanks to Craig.