I was hanging out in some old ramshackle tumbledown saloon way out west recently, when this wizened old-timer slid an object over to me across the full length of the bar. "Have it" he said, "I've plenty more nuggets like this stashed away in my shack down by the creek". He then finished his plate of beans, gathered up his belongings and rode off into the sunset.
Luckily for Retro, that bar was in Westport, the creek was the Tay and the nugget was a rare recording from Dundee's dusty past.
This long forgotten sonic posse was The Raunchy Guys, 4 notorious varmints who got together to rustle up their unspeakable plans and go stampeding across the county inflicting this torture - all in the name of music.
Fortunately, their music was Country & Western, so nobody really noticed!
Anyway, the lowdown on the hoedown is as follows...
Band line-up, Al Hendrickx, guitar - Jim Low, vocal - Gordon Walker, bass and Joe Jordan, drum machine.
This track of theirs called "Johnny Cash's Boots" was recorded at Al's mums house in King Street in winter 1983.
You can tell by the lyrics and the fact they use a drum machine that they were not exactly die-hard C&W purists, and yet they did actually do gigs at Dundee's Country & Western Club.
Mind you, there is some rather fine authentic sounding twang geetar galloping along throughout.
I think the song ought to bring a smile to your face, but if not, perhaps their C&W names will... there was Big Musket Teepee - Bullet Fritter Snakebelt - Stompin Hoss and The Bear.
That's all for now y'all!
Big thanks to Sheriff Walker.