Monday, 26 April 2010


Another snowy scene from 30th November 1985, taken this time at the bottom of Pitkerro Road.
It's also another example of buildings in shot no longer existing.
The premises, front left, and the tower block, front right, have disappeared. As have the 2 multi's in the background.
From what I've established it's only the group of Fintry houses, top left, that remain, alongside that brown building (school? church?), which is nowadays out of view hidden behind trees.
If you click onto the large version, you'll see some kids sledging, centre of the picture.
Photo by Neale Elder


  1. That hill doesn't look too steep, but I once tried to cycle down on my (Raleigh) chopper, and felt like going down a cliff. Crashed of course!

    (Be good to link all these pictures on Retro Dundee onto a map...)

  2. during the seven weekies when they were building whitfield there used to be loads of tipper lorries heading down pitkerro towards the quarry at the bottom of longhaugh brae me my brother charlie and a few local loons used to jump up on the back and hang on for as long as possible hopefully to the quarry gate just past the pub this was invairiably accompanied by following motorists horrified at our antics sounding their horns to alert the lorry drivers which added to the excitement. plenty fun had that summer till my granny and mum found out what we had been up to we got a proper raging. dont try this a home kids ( the lorries ruin the carpets) : )

  3. The brown building is the BT telephone building.

  4. I think this is when WM.Low had their supermarket there..Today its nothing like this now with only last time i was there "Iceland"...Is that new roof the Police station on the corner?..Check out the Bus "Volvo Ailsa"..I always loved the sound of these..

  5. is that brian gordon driving it?

  6. Yep Wm Low was there at the time, before it became Quicksave.

    I have many happy memories of here. As you go towards the quarry there was a permanant stink of Gas from the storage works.

  7. Sorry for showing my ignorance, but which Multi's are the ones in this picture ?

  8. Any idea when multi on pitkerro were knocked down in thought around 96
