I'm afraid I know nothing about this act called Attraction, so I can't supply the band line-up or anything else for that matter, although word is they were clubby/pub entertainers in the late 80's.
Here's a couple of such a gigs - the D.R.I. Social Club ad is dated November 1988 and the Lochee Utd Social Club ad is dated September 1988.
Did they all model for C & A?
If anyone can dish up some info about them, the comments dept is all yours.
Photo by The Bear.
That's the little lighthouse set near to the Tay Bridge they are pictured against - think they've moved it now with the reconstruction that's going on in the area
ReplyDeleteClubby entertainers,who do you think you are ? I know these people there muscians mate,most of the so called muscians in this toon aspire to get a job in a club,any club.Half wit awa and polish yer auld 45s mate.
ReplyDeleteShug,Billy and Karen thats who they are.
It was the guy who took this photo who told me they played the local clubby circuit.
ReplyDeleteI've never heard of them - so can you now enlighten us as to their achievements other than clubby work?
I'm still waiting, anon!!