
Sunday 4 December 2011


Many of you will have had a Viewmaster as a kid, the plastic toy binoculars you put card discs into to view 3D images.
Probably not so many of you had one of these gizmo's above - a slide viewer.
This was more of a photographers specialist gadget than a toy, allowing you to view photographic slides through a magnified lens. You'd pop the slide into a slot in the top, it would light up inside and you were able to see the slides like ordinary photographs, something you couldn't do with the titchy slides on their own.
This is our family one dating from around the late 60's/early 70's - a Halina Paramount Viewer to give it its full name.
This, along with a big bundle of original slides were found in our attic just a few years ago, after having been hiding there for over 3 decades. I actually thought the slides had been thrown out many years ago because I hadn't seen them since the 70's, so it was a great surprise when they resurfaced after all that time.
It was this recent find that after viewing the content, I thought would be worthwhile sharing on the Internet, because these were the original slides that contained those 70's aerial shots around Dundee, the David Bowie concert, Victoria Road demolition an so on.
So here - many still in their original Agfacolor box - are some of the slides that kick-started me into doing Retro Dundee in the first place.


  1. I still have one of those. Stick the 35mm in the top and gently press it downwards. Hey presto the backlight connects.

    Speaking of which I haven't looked at my boxes of transparencies for years. Now the cold weather is really here I foresee a few evenings of entertainment ahead.

  2. I love this site and have posted items from it for years now I hope you do not mind. I have a site myself Feel free to browse.

  3. I used to have a Viemaster projector but only the binocular viewer was 3D.
