
Wednesday 14 September 2011


Elsewhere on Retro Dundee you'll find features on The Megazones single and a gig review, so now it's time to unveil the guys in action!
Here they are strutting their stuff around various venues in town during the 1980-81 period.
The band consisted of - Jim Farrell, lead vocal & guitar - Cliff (Smith) McAulay, bass - Iain Carnegie, guitar - and they had 2 different drummers, Kenny Farquharson and Kev Devlin.
Top picture is at the Tayside Bar, Seagate.
Middle snap is The Windmill, Hilltown.
Bottom image is in the YMCA up the Conshie.
All photos were taken by Ken Cummings.
You can backtrack on the previous posts via the search box where both Cliff and Kenny have supplied further details about the band.
Many thanks to Derek.


  1. Here we go again - whatever happened to Kev Devlin?

  2. See Kev now and again wandering around the Reres hill area of the Ferry with his dog....he has never changed lol

  3. Remember the band well but knew straight away where the bottom photograph was taken. Recognised the old H/H speakers and lights on the right hand side which was the disco equipment at the YMCA and set it up so many times.

  4. Anybody got a contact email for Ken Cummings, who took the pics?
    Please email me at kennyfarq at Ta!
    Kenny Farquharson

  5. Pretty sure Ken passed away a few years ago.
    Sorry to be the bearer of this news.

  6. Cliff (Smith) McAulay23 October 2011 at 11:22

    So sorry to hear about Ken Cummings passing. He was a great lad, and he drew a fine Biffo the Bear.
    His parents were lovely people too.
    Dryburgh will never be the same.
    I remember writing 'Never been so lonely' walking down the Perth road trying to get to Draffens on time!
    Thanks for posting the pix n' stuff.
    Love and good vibes to all my Dundee cronies.

  7. Jim Farrell - any connection to Monifieth/the taxis ?

    1. No connection there, Jim is still writing songs and lives on the Isle of Arran working with Sannox Christian Centre.
