
Sunday 18 April 2010


If ever there was a look that reminded me of my secondary school years (1970 to 74), then it would have to be the Harrington and Crombie wearing urban bovver boy style.
This was as much seen in school as it was out of school.
The most common sight was when the coats were worn smartly with Ben Sherman shirt, Levi Sta-Prest trousers and Doc Marten boots, as in the top image.
A slightly rougher/tougher look was when they were worn with jeans and gang jersey.
In the middle picture, the 2 charming chaps in their Harringtons are wearing exactly the same gear Billy MacKenzie is wearing in the photo of him aged 14, I put up a few days ago!
The guy on the left of the shot has a dress blazer, clip-on braces and a rather severe razor parting in his skinhead! He must have went to Sweeney Todd's!!
The Crombie was often topped off with a red hankie poking out the top pocket!
Yeah, the 70's boot boys...they were everywhere!!


  1. The Crombie was often topped off with a red hankie poking out the top pocket!

    This is done by pulling out the red lining of the pocket in=to a hankie like shape

  2. wiz thir no a wee diamond pin thing that used tae hud in the hanky, eh remember guys wearin white or green hankys coz they thought that the red anes were for fleet boys.

  3. They were ;-)

  4. What were the white jeans called.we called them bakers.but i can not find them any where.

  5. They were called Skinners.
    There's a piece about them on Retro.

  6. Can these wrangler skinners still be bought

    1. They stopped making Skinners in the 70's, so the only way to get a pair now is if you look around the vintage clothing stores.
